
HOUER creatively repurposes everyday objects and constructions that blend in, to stand out!

We design, develop and produce regenerative pre-fabricated, pre-finished volumetric urban constructions and solutions for you to own and explore.

HOUER creates urban solutions with new purpose, material, digital, natural and cultural meaning.
We offer modern and functional urban solutions, which allows you to use land without investing in a permanent infrastructure.

Transportable via truck or helicopter for installation on any minimal impact site in a socially conscious, regenerative and ground-breaking manner.
By working on projects and construction on a diverse scale and complexities all over the world.

We tailor the ones looking for authenticity, comfort, adventure, design and the unexpected...

The question isn't who is going to let us;
it's who is going to stop us.

  • Pre-fabricated Pre-finished Volumetric Constructions
  • Considerable savings in the costs and impact on the terrain profile 
  • Reuse of shipping container that  no longer have function, avoiding waste
  • Zero consumption of water and other natural resources
  • No investment in a permanent property commitment
  • Transportable via truck or helicopter
HOUER’s mission is to dedicate our time, passion and skills to create socially conscious, Regenerative urban solutions around the globe, whilst making an impact on people instead of the environment.